Climate change publications
Climate change publications
Free English Heritage publications relevant to climage change
Climate Change and the Historic Environment, London: English Heritage (product code 51392) date 2008
Coastal Defence and the Historic Environment: English Heritage Guidance. London: English Heritage (Product Code 50756) 2003
Conservation Principles: policies and guidance for the sustainable management of the historic environment, London: English Heritage (Product Code 51393) 2008
Discovering the Past: Shaping the Future, Research Strategy 2005-2010. London (Product Code 51136) 2005
Energy Conservation and Historic Buildings, application of Part L of the Building Regulations to historic and traditionally constructed buildings: London: English Heritage (Product code 51693) 2011
Flooding and Historic Buildings: Technical Advice Note. London: English Heritage (Product Code 51602) 2010
Shoreline Management Plan Review and the Historic Environment: English Heritage Guidance. London: English Heritage (Product Code 51238) 2006
Small scale solar electric energy (photovoltaics) and traditional buildings: London: English Heritage (product code 51370) 2010
Small scale solar thermal energy and traditional buildings: London: English Heritage (product code 51368) 2008
Other publications
Bisgrove, R and Hadley, P 2002: Gardening in the Global Greenhouse: The Impacts of Climate Change on Gardens in the UK. Technical Report. UKCIP, Oxford.
Boardman, B, Darby, S, Killip, G, Hinnells, M, Jardine, C N, Palmer, and Sinden, G 2005: 40% House. Oxford: University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute (
ISBN 1-874370-39-7
Cassar, M 2005: Climate Change and the Historic Environment. London: University College London, Centre for Sustainable Heritage ( change/climatechangeandthehistoricenvironment.pdf) ISBN 0-9544830-6-5
Cassar, M and Hawkings, C(Eds) 2007: Engineering historic futures: stakeholders dissemination and scientific research report, London: University College London, Centre for Sustainable Heritage, ISBN 978-0-9539021-8-7
Colette A (ed) 2007: Case Studies on Climate Change and World Heritage, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris.
CLG 2007a: English House Condition Survey 2005, Communities and Local Government, London
CLG 2007b: Climate Change and Urban Green Spaces, Neighbourhoods, Cities and Regions Analysis Division, Communities and Local Government.
Defra 2007a: Climate Change Strategic Framework, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, London
Defra 2007b: UK Climate Change Programme: Annual Report to Parliament, July 2007, London, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DTI, 2007: Meeting the Energy Challenge: A White Paper on Energy , Department of Trade and Industry, London: The Stationery Office
HM Government 2006: Climate Change: The UK Programme 2006, London, The Stationery Office
Hulme, M, Jenkins, G J, Lu, X, Turnpenny, J R, Mitchell, T D, Jones, R G, Lowe, J, Murphy, J M, Hassell, D, Boorman, P, McDonald, R and Hill, S 2002: UKCIP02 Climate Change Scenarios for the United Kingdom: The UKCIP02 Scientific Report. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom.
IPPC 2007: Climate Change 2007 – The Physical Science Basis, Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, Cambridge University Press, (ISBN 978 0521 88009-1 Hardback; 978 0521 70596-7 Paperback)
Jenkins, G and Lowe, J 2003: Handling uncertainties in the UKCIP02 scenarios of climate change, Hadley Centre Technical Note 44, Exeter: Hadley Centre, Met Office
ODPM 2005: Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
PIU 2000: Resource Productivity: Making More with Less. London: Performance and Innovation Unit
Stern, N 2007: The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
UKCIP08: UK Climate Impacts Programme Scenarios Gateway: UKCIP 08
University of Manchester: University of Manchester Centre for Urban Regional Ecology Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change in the Urban Environment
Willows, R.I. and Connell, R.K. (Eds.) 2003: Climate Adaptation: risk, uncertainty and decision-making. UKCIP Technical Report. UKCIP, Oxford. ISBN 0-9544830-0-6
World Heritage Centre 2007: Climate Change and World Heritage, World Heritage Reports no 22, Paris
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