Site Map
Climate change in context
Sustainable development and English Heritage
The science of climate change
Projections for the UK
Government policy
What it means for the historic environment
Energy efficiency & traditional buildings
Questions for research
Climate impacts
Wind & Storms (intro only)
Flooding & ground water intro only
Temperature & sunlight intro only
Rainfall (intro only)
What approvals do I need?
General consent framework
Repairing & altering traditional buildings
Responding to climate change impacts
Saving energy
Government legislation to save energy
Building Regulations & Part L
Energy Performance Certificates
Saving energy in buildings
Insulating Roofs
Insulating at ceiling level
Insulating at rafter level
Insulating flat roofs
Insulating dormers
Insulating thatched roofs
Frequently asked questions
Chimneys and flues
Frequently asked questions
Insulating walls
Insulating solid walls
Insulating walls with cavities
Insulating timber framed walls
Frequently asked questions
Windows and doors
Frequently asked questions
Insulating floors
Insulating timber ground floors
Insulating solid ground floors
Frequently asked questions
Saving energy on lighting
Saving energy on heating
Generating energy
Micro wind generation
Small scale solar thermal energy
Small scale solar electric energy
Ground & air source heat pumps
Small scale combined heat and power
Small scale hydro power systems
Rainwater & grey water recovery
What approvals do I need?
General consent framework
Repairing and altering traditional buildings
Responding to climate change impacts
Changes to improve energy efficiency
Mirco-generation of energy
Research on sash windows
Further information
Climate change publications
Useful links
What approvals do I need?
General consent framework
Repairing & altering traditional buildings
Responding to climate change impacts
Changes to improve energy efficiency
Micro-generation of energy
Contact us
Tell us about your home & customise this site
If you tell us where you live in England and when your house was constructed we can provide more specific information about the potential effects of climate change on your home. We can also provide you with more detailed information on how to save energy to reduce carbon emissions.